Affiliate Disclosure is more than just a platform for reviews and comparisons; it’s a dedicated space where we delve deep into the world of optics. Our mission is clear: to furnish gun owners with comprehensive and reliable information, empowering them to make informed decisions about the perfect red dot sight, optics, and scopes tailored to their unique requirements. We strive to be an indispensable resource, offering valuable insights and expert guidance.

Supporting Our Mission

To provide our readers with this valuable service at no cost, we utilize affiliate links within our content. These links are a vital part of online commerce, helping us track the traffic we direct to our trusted affiliate partners such as and When you choose to purchase a product by clicking on one of these links, we receive a small commission, yet this incurs no additional cost for you. This commission structure is crucial in sustaining our website, enabling us to continue delivering high-quality, free content to our readers.

Choosing the Best Partners

Our selection of affiliate programs is driven by our commitment to you, our readers. We carefully choose partners known for their exceptional products and outstanding customer service. and, as our primary partners, embody our dedication to quality and value, aligning seamlessly with our mission of offering top-notch resources and guidance.

Our Promise of Transparency

Transparency is a cornerstone of our ethos. While we earn commissions through affiliate links, we want to assure you that this does not influence the product’s price. Our commission remains nearly constant, irrespective of the product you choose. This approach underscores our unwavering dedication to impartial and unbiased reviews, based solely on product merit and relevance to our readers.

Upholding Honesty in Reviews

At, we stand by the integrity of our reviews. Whether or not a commission is involved, every review we publish is honest and unbiased. We do not accept sponsorships that could sway our stance. Our commitment to authenticity and reliability is a testament to the trust we hold with our readers and the respect we have for that trust.

Respecting Your Privacy

Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. Clicking on our affiliate links may take you to third-party websites, each with its own privacy policies. We encourage you to review these policies before making a purchase. For a comprehensive understanding of how we handle data at, we invite you to explore our Privacy Policy page.

Engage With Us

Your thoughts and questions are valuable to us. Whether about our affiliate disclosure or any aspect of our website, we welcome your feedback. Reach out to us via our Contact Us page. We cherish open communication with our readers and commit to responding promptly and attentively to your inquiries.

Our Pledge to Compliance

We uphold the standards set by the FTC and our affiliate programs, ensuring transparent disclosure of our use of affiliate links. By doing so, we stay in full compliance with all legal and ethical standards, allowing us to provide you with honest, high-quality reviews and recommendations.

Easily Accessible Information

To maintain complete transparency, our affiliate disclosure is conveniently located in the footer on every page of our website. This ensures you can easily access the disclosure wherever you are on